Thursday, January 27, 2011

Woodburry Outlet

permits are only for petroleum studies

Chaves said that permits are Només els per a fer estudis pétroliers

And I go and I I will! man. Osea you let them do these studies and spent 82 million to see if there is oil in the Gulf of Valencia and then if it turns out that if there is not going to get. It is thought that we are stupid or, as they leave do in a few years we have an oil station on the coast. Please forget and oil and begin to develop renewable energy that are the real future for us as a society and to our broken world. And let die in peace because once a decadent renewable energy sources.
Be brave to step in front and leave behind all those owners of multinational employers who look only to their own benefit for many favors they owe. As we are in a turning point, in which we must act now and turn this situation before it is too late. Late for us, for our children and all species of living things with which to "share" this planet "


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