Clearly this bitch is primed crisis especially with the weak and disadvantaged in this case to my attention thanks to animales.Me blog "The Red Moon " that have closed the Vergel Safari Park and the exhibition Fauna Ibérica de Requena. They also encounter problems Terra natura, Aitana safari and even the new Biopark has seen its revenue declined seriously in recent months. And people with this form the picture does not go to these sites and consequently the income of these compounds plummet and of course there has to take care of animals, give them meals, medical care, cleaning, pay employees etc ...
But now that all these animals will make us enjoy our children and us, the need to relocate in other schools, or even if there is no choice but the will to sacrifice.
As an example I put the sorry state of neglect in which the center is Fauna Ibérica de Requena who suffered several attacks that have been following the disappearance of a lynx and a wolf, the latter eventually found in Siete Aguas. The center has ruled out re open but continue to feed the animals. A real shame
use these animals for our amusement and now do not use "that manages" the order after I think when you open a site like this is with all its consequences and responsibilities to their occupants and should have a plan and a savings for these cases because we talk about things non-living objects, and if that does not do that which is best are free in their natural habitat.
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