Monday, January 17, 2011

Where Can I Get Toothbrush Donations

detected two new invasive species, the Asian hornet and the pinewood nematode

Again we have two new cases invasive species have entered our country and threaten to cause serious damage to native species.
First has detected the presence in the northern peninsula of a wasp Asian predilection for decapitating bees. This hornet about 3 cm. the workers and the queen 5 cm, is very voracious and while our native wasps can kill one or two bees these hornets are able to kill a whole colony quickly decapitating all its members.
beekeepers are very concerned because they fear that spread throughout the peninsula soon. It is believed that this species could to see come to the peninsula from France through a consignment of persimmons. Another bad news for bees remember in my previous post I told you the massive deaths of these insects because of pesticides.
More information:
Also found in Galicia is the first case of a dangerous worm 1mm, the pine nematode already destroyed thousands of pine trees in Portugal and is now threatening our forests. This worm is a beetle parasite and spreads through this. Acts introduced in the tree by the beetle and then enters the pine through the vessels through which the sap flows, reproducing and saturating these vessels of circulation. You can kill a tree in 5 weeks.
To prevent its spread 200000 felled pine trees around the area where it detected the first case.
More information: Vigo Lighthouse


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