Distance traveled: 28.8 km
Duration: About 7 hours
moving Minimum height: 837 meters
height: 1588 meters
Difficulty: believe in the moderate physical difficulty, has enough slope and is long but you can do well by taking the path to peace. As I consider the technical difficulty difficult if not done with GPS, that is only marked on the sections that coincide with GRs and therefore requires a good knowledge of the terrain make it without these devices. Hikers
: Bidari, Oksana, Raul, Juan Antonio L. and I
Route based on two traks one of rocacoscolla to go from rock salt and a Andilla casiaventurilla to go Juliana Peña.

More info on this route:
The salty, a top with a sweet nothing
the wonderful companion chronic Bidari focused history of this summit bidarivalen ence . blogspot.com.
Starting point: Andilla population to 985 meters high on the southern slope of the Sierra de Andilla in the district of Serrano in the extreme west of the province of Valencia.Por this situation on this route we will move a horse from 3 provinces of Valencia, Castellon and Teruel and between three regions of the Serrano, Sierra del Toro, High Palancia. His term is very hilly with deep ravines and abrupt landscapes.
Its history dates back as many of our people to the Mesolithic through the Iberians and Romans. There are numerous sites of these periods. In medieval castle and was walled tube, today only a few traces remain.
Route description: Andilla We arrived at about 09:30 hours to about 6.5 degrees below zero cold snap in the middle of the day but cleared out, without cloud. The cars are covered by a layer of frost in the cold it is best to start as soon as possible so we prepared and left.
The start of the path is easy, just follow the time the Gr-10 and 7 on our way to match the power of the Lord.
have Andilla Leaving the Rock Salt in front, imposing with its more than 1500 meters awaiting our arrival.
The start of this route runs between fields to Internal slowly in the forest. In the picture we passed two large Nogales, also pass through an area where a few oak trees grow much more abundant at other times as Olmo. Now this land is of pine and some oak and rowan.
Andilla and fall behind, the route coincides with an interesting medieval map shows the route information panels.
Within an hour we see the beautiful place where is located the source of the master, under a mountain of rodeno pretty rare in this area, it reminds me Espadán saw.
We reached the waterfall of the Lord as the source in a corner you see beautiful, this is undoubtedly the most beautiful part of the route that besides the water flowing through the ravine, moisture and shade are grown lush vegetation contrasting with the rest of the route quite bare. All this topped with the red rock rodeno give a unique beauty to the environment.
descended on the small waterfall to admire its beauty more closely, you see the intense cold weather here has made frozen areas where more water remains stagnant.
This partial freezing of the waterfall gives even more beauty to this environment. I have to say also that the pool of water where the falling water reservoir in the cascade remained frozen in its Mallorie. Mr. Bidari I found walking on the water.
follow the path through the Gr leave the track to continue direct path to the mountain where our next targets the Rock Salt (1588) and Juliana Peña (1473).
begins possibly the steepest part of more uneven course. We must overcome this valley to the Col de la Salada following the GR-10.
By the way just before reaching the pass we left a trough almost completely frozen.
When you reach the Col de la Salada leave the Gr-10 and the route is technically complicated. We to turn left to go down to the valley and take a forest track which is visible from the hill and climbing the mountains of the rock Salada. This is not indicated why I recommend the GPS from here.
In the bottom of the valley is a beautiful poplar, we now seek the track that will go to the mountains.
Once on this track starts another tough climb to the plateau of the highest part of this mountain range.
Here are some oaks and junipers that break the monotony of the pine.
Once we reached the plateau in a short time we the detour to climb the Juliana Peña, this is just before a pond of water and marked by a few milestones.
The route through this plateau interests recovers again thanks to the magnificent scenery before us. Juliana and the rock is in front of us and although we have gone from his face more accessible, the opposite side is an impressive vertical wall.
We reached the highest part of the Peña 1473 meters high, one of the highest levels of Palancia.
The views are magnificent as this photograph with Peñascabia to fund the
After enjoying a spell of this rugged landscape where we came back again has the forest track.
very rugged geography of these summits, more extreme weather and fire blight of these mountains have left few devegetation. There are no trees except some juniper coscoja especially find plants such as lavender or pad called "nun or a pastor."
We're almost back on track. Now to get to the Rock Salt will follow it to its very top.
Walking down the track we found this fantastic view of the rock Juliana
And we are gradually reaching the summit of the rock Salada crowned by an old, abandoned military base, some pine trees grow here and savin that have been saved from the fire and hand man.
Entrance to the military base
We reached the trig point of the rock Salada 1588 meters an hour and a half from the rock Juliana
're at it we went into the witness to the military base importance of this enclave in the past. Here bloody battles were fought in the civil war after the Battle of Teruel in July 1938 the rebel army marched towards Valencia in these mountains where the Republican army had placed the front line. At the very top of the rock Salada escaped heavy fighting to take this forward and defend Valencia for the rebels. There are numerous trenches on the bull saw these facts testify.
View from the base
After lunch back where we came up to a trail junction where we left the track that brought us from rock Juliana and take the another direction that takes us to Andilla again.
We see again Andilla tour but there is still
'll cross the Gr-10 in Bardés hill and come back and finally towards Andilla road again tread
The Gr takes us to a beautiful XV century chapel
We follow the path now becomes more green and overgrown with pine increasingly
This raft called the Navajo is frozen as well as you can see.
look back and see the massive limestone rock Salada is growing bigger and far
We meet again in the distance the mountain source rodeno Mr.
getting closer Andilla
Andilla We reached the last rays of sunshine has been a long but beautiful route.
best route has been the site of the power of the Lord and walk by the mountains that form rock and rock Salada Juliana
worst of the route the sparse vegetation especially trees and how much you walk by track Much of the forest path, but in general is a route worth doing now recommend that if the winter as in summer is very hot pass.
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