Hello friends I just found out that the past December 23, our "beloved" and his government Petazetas "progressive." Approved Congress ministers in the 5 royal decrees to grant permits to prospect for oil in different parts of Spain. One of the selected areas is the Gulf of Valencia.
course, this "gentleman" is earning my contempt with their latest decisions políticas.En my opinion this is intolerable that we look to the future rather than researching and developing new clean energy with which to replace declining petroleum, this guy going and we want to put a hole in our ass and without consulting us.
That vision is to be environmentally friendly and supportive! Total to be rich four children, p. .. Olé your eggs! After a leak as in the Gulf of Mexico to give us the ass. Of course that sends balls that have to be the PP that is because the hue and cry and want to stop this, but this gang does not say anything false in 2002 when Mr. Aznar adopted search for oil in Castellón coastal islands near Columbretes.
remember when you won the elections and said "NO OS will fail" because of my long ago as I failed, and now I am as disappointed as I put on my nerves. "Where do I sign to prevent this disaster? That I about to
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