29 years ago the Dutch ship poured Scheldeborg Atlantic to the pit around 10000 tons of radioactive waste to 630 km of the Galician coast despite Pleamar fishing boats, Arousa I and Greenpeace ship Sirius tried to prevent this act could do nothing to prevent it. And then there are those radioactive drums at 4000 meters depth crumbling little by little because of corrosion, some experts say the radioactivity accumulated in this area amounts to about one million curies. For copareis Chernobyl disaster in some 130000 curies were released and this is just one case in the picture below you can see all the places where nuclear waste has been made. Atlantic alone in the pit is believed there are about 140000 tonnes of waste.
Fortunately in 1993 banned such practices but does state that these drums are radioactive? Nobody checked to see what state there are no plans to get them out of there. But then what will happen the day these drums to rupture and discharge their contents into the oceans? but he did not think it inevitable.A part of the damage to marine ecosystems, the oceans warm and evaporate the water, if these waters are contaminated with radioactivity is also evaporate and fall over us with rain contaminated aquifers, plants, animals and ourselves. If this happens we will face one of the worst disasters that can happen to us.
Canister of radioactive waste.
can they be so stupid our leaders to see done first of these discharges and then not worry about your state and follow a plan to get them out! "They expect recycling alone as an apple in the forest?
unconscious It's amazing what we can become, this also goes for all those who think that nuclear energy are the future and do not pollute. But these people do not understand that while chimneys do not release their waste if they do it in a solid form that is impossible to recycle. The only way that happens is buried below ground but that too is nonsense to no one thinks of hiding away from home under the carpet as this is the same. Nuclear power in my opinion is not a valid option we have to think zero pollution energy sources, for the sake of the planet and our children.
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